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Hawthorn Way, Woking, Surrey, GU24 9DF

01483 473341

Bisley C of E Primary School

Everyone Successful Everyday


Safeguarding induction for volunteers at Bisley

Dear All,

We are delighted that you are considering volunteering and giving your precious time here at Bisley. We really value the contributions of all our visitors and volunteers, and the difference that they make.

As part of our Safeguarding Induction, you will find on this page links to documents and policies, slides and a short video.

Please view the resources and links within that, and view the video as it contains the most pertinent overview of safeguarding arrangements and procedures in our school, that everyone - no matter their role - is expected to follow. 

Once you have viewed all of this, and are happy with its messages:

  • please complete the 'Agreement to abide by Bisley Safeguarding protocols' form by completing the yellow highlighted parts, sign and date it either digitally or in printed form.
  • Please return this to the DSL Mrs Joolz Miles ( and Amanda Cook (

 If you have any questions regarding our policy and protocols, please do get in touch with Joolz Miles on the email address above.

If you do not have a current DBS you will need one, which Mrs Fisher can organise if so. Her email address is

We very much look forward to receiving your completed Agreement form, and welcoming you into school.

Best wishes form the Safeguarding Team.

Documents to be viewed and read as part of the Safeguarding induction

The documents and information on the main Safeguarding page on website must be read.  The page can be found be clicking here. These include:

Safeguarding induction video and PowerPoint to be viewed as part of induction

Please look at the 2023/24 Safeguarding induction video that can be found by clicking here.

The PowerPoint that accompanies the video can be found here.


Agreement to abide by safeguarding protocols and policies

 Once you have read the information above and viewed the video please sign and return the safeguarding agreement to and 

Agreement to abide by the 2023/24 Safeguarding protocols


If you do not have an up to date DBS please contact Mrs Fisher

A DBS check costs the school £10 - if you are able to contribute your £10 that is most appreciated.




If you have any questions or queries regarding this process please contact Mrs Joolz Miles 

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